History of the Organisation

In 1974 several national associations encompassing anodisers of architectural parts organised in ESTAL and the EWAA formed the QUALANOD organisation. Their goal was to raise and standardise the quality level throughout Europe, laying down rules applying to their industry. Firms in many European countries have directly or indirectly become members of QUALANOD.
The aluminium industry was represented by delegates on the committees from the outset. This ensured information sharing among wrought aluminium producers and anodisers. Today our members besides many European countries also include association from outside Europe.




2023-2025    Peter Watts (UK) -- current President --

2022-2023    Philip Hilven (BE)
2020-2021    Metin Yilmaz (TR)
2018-2019    Remco Baartmans (NL)
2016-2017    José Arenas (FR)
2013-2015    Dr. Thomas Becker (DE)
2010-2012    Timur Ulucak (TR)
2008/2009    Asmund Broli (NO)
2006/2007    José Bettencourt (PT)
2004/2005    Ake Andersson (NO)
2002/2003    Timur Ulucak (TR)
2000/2001    Johannes Collini (AT)
1998/1999    Johannes Collini (AT)
1996/1997    Rainer Stuckart (DE)
1994/1995    José Bettencourt (PT)
1992/1993    Corrado Baroni (IT)
1990/1991    Wolfgang Buchholz (DE)
1988/1989    Harald Bishop (GB)